What is your first name?: Sebastian
What is your ingame name/nickname?: cbass
Have you ever thought you’ll be a pro player?: No
How and when you started playing cs?: 2018 I came from playing Cod on Xbox
How old are you?: 22
What superpower would you like to have?: Chronokinesis
What is your favourite movie?: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Favourite song?: Prada by Cassö
Favourite animal?: Snake
Birthday?: Aug 05 2001
Favourite All-Time Champion?: Twistzz
Favourite Food? Mapo Tofu

What is your first name?: Noah
What is your ingame name/nickname?: z0mb1e
Have you ever thought you’ll be a pro player?: No
How and when you started playing cs?: In 2016, but was on a laptop then and mainly played console games
What superpower would you like to have?: Regenerative Healing
What is your favourite movie?: John Wick
Favourite song?: Photograph – Ed Sheeran
Favourite animal?: Wolf
Birthday?: September 26
Favourite All-Time Champion?: f0rest
Favourite Food?: Chicken Cutlets

What is your first name?: Caleb
What is your ingame name/nickname?: jchancE
Have you ever thought you’ll be a pro player?: the dream
How and when you started playing cs?: I started playing cs when i was a kid i found it as a halflife mod
How old are you?: 27
What superpower would you like to have?: Print Money
What is your favourite movie?: Barbie
Favourite song?: none
Favourite animal?: Elephant
Birthday?: 7 3 1996
Favourite All-Time Champion?: Forest
Favourite Food?: Sushi

What is your first name?: Kevin
What is your ingame name/nickname?: Grave
Have you ever thought you’ll be a pro player?: Yes i knew i was going to a pro play once i was competing in cod to cs
How and when you started playing cs?: i started playing cs around 1.6 and source which i was around 6 or 7 till now
How old are you?: i am 24
What superpower would you like to have?: super power is to be strong
What is your favourite movie?: black hawk down is my favorite movie
Favourite song?: Grey gods by suicide boys
Favourite animal?: Capybara is my favorite animal
Birthday?: may 2nd
Favourite All-Time Champion?:Scream
Favourite Food?: Donuts

What is your first name?: Grant
What is your ingame name/nickname?: serv0
Have you ever thought you’ll be a pro player?: Yes I played professionally in TF2, and now CS
How and when you started playing cs?: 2020 is when I started playing competitively
How old are you?: i am 25
What superpower would you like to have?: Stop time
What is your favourite movie?: Bladerunner
Favourite song?: I don’t have one!
Favourite animal?: Dogs
Birthday?: February 6th
Favourite All-Time Champion?: NiKo
Favourite Food?: Donuts make me Go nuts